404 Gasoline lower engine

Kit chemises pistons View larger
Kit chemises pistons

8hp relining kit, 4 liners + 4 pistons + gasket set + oil filter.

0111 66

New (old stock)

Peugeot '80s

8hp relining kit, 4 liners + 4 pistons + gasket set + oil filter.

1L5 XB2-XB5 engine


07/1968 I-> ->I 1971

axis Ø22mm

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454,00 € tax incl.

Data sheet

Modelssedan and station wagon and utility
Enginesgasoline carburetor

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404/8 6 905 096 I-> et U6 4 781 801 I-> et U8 7 016 801 I-> ->I 06/1970.

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